Christmas has evolved into something different for me over the years, and I believe this to be common. It is ultimately a celebration, with a few days off and time to spend with family and friends. However, it is a holiday that isn’t always anticipated by all. To surpass any ‘inner Grinch’ this holiday season, connect with what’s most important. Move past negative energies and into self inquiry. Find a way to transform the energy within yourself and be with… Read More
A well intended yogi friend said to me recently, “I can’t believe people don’t know what this means!” I had an inner smile because we were referring to a concept taught to most of us at a very young age. The concept was Ahimsa, a Sanskrit word which means ‘do no harm,’ and implies that non-violence is vital to a peaceful existence. Without getting into where it originates from in the sacred Vedic texts, let’s just say it is a… Read More
Yoga is my passion. Simply stated, regardless of the question, yoga is usually the answer. It seems there is always a way to bring some element of yoga into a conversation. Feeling anxious? Do Yoga. Not sleeping? Breathe and meditate. Wondering about what direction to take your career? Dedicate your yoga practice with the intention to find guidance, then repeatedly ask yourself ‘what brings out the best in me?’ In those raw and quiet yoga moments, you can recognize your passion within you!… Read More
My husband is quite the comedian. Earlier this week he sang, “Five little monkeys, jumping in your head” and although it would sound like this tune was directed to a young child, in this case he was referring to me! I guess the multi-tasking of motherhood can make one look a little whimsical and somewhat indecisive. Let this be the confession of a yogi who admits that missing too many of those morning meditations and asana practices, has recently resulted… Read More
In light of the recent Stanley Cup episode, many of us in BC are still left with remnants of disappointment, wondering how to go about celebrating Canada Day with our usual sense of pride. As Canadians we are typically deemed friendly and down-to-earth, making us wonder about the whirlwind of horrible events, and then cringe at the spectacle of interest it created. Many people were swept into the ‘photographing of strangeness’ which by happenstance, ended up increasing the mob and… Read More
Make time for you with ‘Rituals’ in your daily life. Rituals have been shown to promote more organized and productive behaviour, and may be the only way to get important things done! It is said, that adding a conscious routine of daily exercise creates an unconscious string of events that take on a positive life of their own. If this is true, then wouldn’t it be extra special to include yoga as a ritual? Develop your home yoga practice to… Read More
As I write this, the anticipation is building about the birthing process of my first child. Time and again I remind students about the power of our breath and all that it holds. What a great reminder for myself! Our hearts pump oxygen from the breath through the blood in our bodies, but along with this movement of oxygen to each and every cell, comes the flow of prana. Prana is a yogic vital source of energy that is life-sustaining,… Read More