Ayurveda means “life knowledge” or “science of life” and it is a complete system for learning how to bring balance to our bodies and lives. It is rooted in nature’s elements and principles, with solutions to help you align better with nature. This skillful and wholistic way of approaching our habits with food, exercise and energetic flow, is very much a part of yoga and often considered “a sister science”. We are the researchers and individuals tuning in to the…     Read More


Sacred Moments

  The recent holidays with family in Peru held some sacred moments and much needed light therapy. We now close 2021 with contentment and optimism for a new year of learning, challenges and commitments. Since our world is changing, we must change with it. International travel has become complicated and expensive. So if you do travel, use efficient modes of transportation and then do your best to conserve water and energy. Do what you can to offset your carbon footprint…     Read More


Time is the most precious gift someone can give you. That is, when it is complete undivided attention with presence. Full body listening for the sake of understanding. A connection of pure awareness that I seek to find with you here. I liken it to the feeling of chanting OM at the end of a really good yoga class! A sensation we would love to sustain but understand “this too shall pass”. When we think of something as being sustainable, we are not usually thinking in terms of…     Read More