Accepting New Clients! Private Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy can be a powerful tool in creating safe and inclusive spaces by addressing both physical and mental health needs while fostering a sense of community and acceptance. Here’s how it achieves this: Personalization: Yoga therapy is highly individualized. Sessions are tailored to accommodate specific needs, abilities, and goals, ensuring that yoga is accessible and supportive. Adaptability: Techniques and poses can be modified to suit various physical abilities, making yoga accessible to people with different levels of mobility and…     Read More


Spring Inspiration

“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”  — Unknown   Thank you for your continued interest in Body Harmony Yoga and it’s inspirational offerings. If you have been quiet for awhile, I understand how it can feel safe and comforting to hibernate (for the winter, or longer)! I really do. Thus, I welcome you to be in touch and let me know how I can better…     Read More


Love Week

Inherently, we are all love, light and joy. When we forget this (because we will) life affirming yoga can help us remember. Yes, yoga has all the tools to remind us who we really are, and to keep us thriving towards this state of being! For ‘Love Week’, let’s rekindle that spirit with any of the following offers: Receive 25% OFF a 90 Minute Private Yoga Session: Instill more LOVE in your life with a regular yoga practice. What do you need…     Read More



At the beginning of a yoga class, we often offer small intentions to bring forth the energy desired. At the beginning of a New Year, we can open ourselves to intentions on a much grander scale! Forgiveness is a big one and my intention for 2024. Time and again I will be reminded to forgive myself and others, and realize it takes patience and grace to be truly free of ego. It takes awareness, kindness and mindful movement of which…     Read More


BC Retreat

Imagine a day where the only thing on your calendar is to mindfully care for your body, mind, and spirit. The most important thing to-do, is take care of you. Register now for the Loon Lake ECO Yoga Retreat Oct. 23-25th. Spots are filling up but there are still single rooms available. Why attend a BC Yoga Retreat? 1. Feel the power of meditating with others 2. Gain new perspective 3. You’ll have time to reflect 4. Connect or reconnect…     Read More



                  Karma is all about action. Most of us are quite familiar with this Sanskrit word that is derived from kri ‘to do’ and refers to actions of any kind. Within matter, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The karma yoga system believes that everything you do, say or think has an immediate effect on the universe and in you! This reaction generated by the atma’s (spirit’s) use of free will, puts in motion…     Read More


Compassion by Sarah Jane

“You don’t need to drag Auschwitz around with you everywhere you go”, was the direct but caring comment made by trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, to his respected colleague Gabor Mate, MD. In his best selling book The Myth of Normal, Gabor says that in that moment, across the table many years ago, he was “seen”. The compassion and support of his colleagues, friends and loving wife contributed greatly to his healing journey, but along the way he needed to…     Read More


Happy 2017!  Last week I graduated from the Foundations of Yoga Therapy Teacher Training. It was an amazing experience that was enjoyed immensely and it provided another period of growth through learning, friendships and professional development. If you have ever been to India, you might understand the feeling I am experiencing. It is like that of returning home, after all the wonderful chaos of the trip has begun to settle. In a good way you are almost dumbfounded at what…     Read More


The term Samsara has a similar meaning within a few of the world religions. With the common theme depicting a “repetitive cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth” it seemed fitting to label our most recent sale, Samsara. Knowing there is a natural continuous flow of creation, evolution and destruction in life, it makes our situation at Body Harmony a little easier to accept. Most students are now aware that our present studio location will be closed as of December…     Read More


Make time for you with ‘Rituals’ in your daily life. Rituals have been shown to promote more organized and productive behaviour, and may be the only way to get important things done! It is said, that adding a conscious routine of daily exercise creates an unconscious string of events that take on a positive life of their own. If this is true, then wouldn’t it be extra special to include yoga as a ritual? Develop your home yoga practice to…     Read More