The Atma

Recently the Body Harmony community lost a long time, loyal and trusty friend. It brings tears, not only because of the loss, but also because of what is unknown for the next world. What does the next world bring? Is there another dimension awaiting all of us? The inevitability of death will eventually bring questions of mortality for each of us, but it is something I have pondered and explored for quite some time. I have come to believe that there…     Read More


Spring Inspiration

“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”  — Unknown   Thank you for your continued interest in Body Harmony Yoga and it’s inspirational offerings. If you have been quiet for awhile, I understand how it can feel safe and comforting to hibernate (for the winter, or longer)! I really do. Thus, I welcome you to be in touch and let me know how I can better…     Read More


Yoga Retreat

Only a calm and quiet mind will allow us to connect to the power of intuition. Through yoga, we learn to slow the thoughts and calm the mind, and to find this intuitive wisdom in the ‘minds eye’. Sometimes you will hear this referred to as the ‘6th sense’. When intuition unites with the goodness in our hearts, we can find amazing clarity! Is it time to make some stillness and inner peace a priority? For a moment now, consider numerology…     Read More



At the beginning of a yoga class, we often offer small intentions to bring forth the energy desired. At the beginning of a New Year, we can open ourselves to intentions on a much grander scale! Forgiveness is a big one and my intention for 2024. Time and again I will be reminded to forgive myself and others, and realize it takes patience and grace to be truly free of ego. It takes awareness, kindness and mindful movement of which…     Read More


BC Retreat

Imagine a day where the only thing on your calendar is to mindfully care for your body, mind, and spirit. The most important thing to-do, is take care of you. Register now for the Loon Lake ECO Yoga Retreat Oct. 23-25th. Spots are filling up but there are still single rooms available. Why attend a BC Yoga Retreat? 1. Feel the power of meditating with others 2. Gain new perspective 3. You’ll have time to reflect 4. Connect or reconnect…     Read More



Ayurveda means “life knowledge” or “science of life” and it is a complete system for learning how to bring balance to our bodies and lives. It is rooted in nature’s elements and principles, with solutions to help you align better with nature. This skillful and wholistic way of approaching our habits with food, exercise and energetic flow, is very much a part of yoga and often considered “a sister science”. We are the researchers and individuals tuning in to the…     Read More



                  Karma is all about action. Most of us are quite familiar with this Sanskrit word that is derived from kri ‘to do’ and refers to actions of any kind. Within matter, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The karma yoga system believes that everything you do, say or think has an immediate effect on the universe and in you! This reaction generated by the atma’s (spirit’s) use of free will, puts in motion…     Read More


Compassion by Sarah Jane

“You don’t need to drag Auschwitz around with you everywhere you go”, was the direct but caring comment made by trauma expert Bessel van der Kolk, to his respected colleague Gabor Mate, MD. In his best selling book The Myth of Normal, Gabor says that in that moment, across the table many years ago, he was “seen”. The compassion and support of his colleagues, friends and loving wife contributed greatly to his healing journey, but along the way he needed to…     Read More


Gift of Presence e1670632554843

We’ll be hOMe for the holidays and I will be doing my best to keep things simple! Simply slowing down for self care and renewal in the outdoors… This is the only gift I want and need for myself. The gift of love and presence. It is in the heart that is ready to open, expand, and connect with (anytime I choose, as I have heard someone wise mention). Even with supportive family and friends, I can clam up. But…     Read More


Nurture in Nature

It’s been an amazing summer for weather on the West Coast and life has been about as good as it gets for feeding body, mind and spirit. Even though there is temptation to hold dear the clear blue days of summer, it’s only natural that clouds will waft in and out, and then fall will proceed the winter. The seasons of the year and the seasons of life are inevitable. To move through them gracefully, I remember that the sun…     Read More