In light of the recent Stanley Cup episode, many of us in BC are still left with remnants of disappointment, wondering how to go about celebrating Canada Day with our usual sense of pride. As Canadians we are typically deemed friendly and down-to-earth, making us wonder about the whirlwind of horrible events, and then cringe at the spectacle of interest it created. Many people were swept into the ‘photographing of strangeness’ which by happenstance, ended up increasing the mob and its desire to entertain spectators with reckless abandon. Had the photographers left the scene, they could have found better ways to celebrate and the hype would have dissipated.
Our ancestors used celebrations to connect with their community and elevate their spirit as a whole. They would celebrate with music, singing, dancing and the sharing of stories! It is refreshing to know, that healthy celebrations of this type are still carried on by many cultures today. Let it be a gentle reminder for those who have forgotten how to truly celebrate.
Here are the Top 10 Things to Do in Vancouver for Canada Day. Use this to stimulate wholesome ideas of celebrations with family and friends, or join us for yoga July 1st at 9:30am and 12:30pm. May every day have reason to celebrate and as Oprah said in her final show, “…you’re responsible for the energy you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.”
Prayers for Bliss & Sunshine,
Lori Charko
Our Schoolhouse in the Sacred Valley of Peru
Support our Kusi Kawsay School in Peru and you may WIN a magical 10 day journey for 2 to Machu Picchu, Cusco, the Sacred Valley and the Kusi Kawsay School. Each raffle ticket is $50 and all proceeds go towards school supplies, teachers’ salaries and nutritious snack for all the students. The winner will be selected by a student of Kusi Kawsay School on September 23, 2011 (the Equinox) and will be notified by email.
*The prize includes airfare, meals, accommodations, entrance fees to ancient sites, guides and special events as indicated on the itinerary. For trip details or to purchase a ticket go to or contact Body Harmony Yoga today.
Rarely do we think about the amount of water we come in contact with, let alone about how it’s heated. A surprising 20% of energy consumption in a house goes towards this process, in which both gas and electricity produce toxic by products. We can cut back on overuse simply by lowering the temperature of our heaters. Summer is a great time to use this method, as rarely do we need the warming up we do in winter. Another idea is to insulate the heater itself. This can be done with blankets or padding to keep the unit contained and enclosed in the process.
Water in general is a commodity we take for granted, so even a few mindful practices start to make a broader impact. If you’re looking to cut back on water usage in general, a good place to start is by installing low-flow shower heads or a low pressure toilet tank. When we choose to make small choices in how we run our lives and homes, it may be a small drop in the bucket, but it’s still a drop.