Happy 2017!
Last week I graduated from the Foundations of Yoga Therapy Teacher Training. It was an amazing experience that was enjoyed immensely and it provided another period of growth through learning, friendships and professional development. If you have ever been to India, you might understand the feeling I am experiencing. It is like that of returning home, after all the wonderful chaos of the trip has begun to settle. In a good way you are almost dumbfounded at what happened during your time away, and then there is this sense of calm and understanding.
What is Yoga Therapy? The IAYT defines Yoga Therapy as “…the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of teachings and practices of Yoga.” As a yoga therapist, I hold space for you and guide you to move through some of these powerful practices of yoga based on what is meaningful to you. What is meaningful to you? Is there anything holding you back from obtaining it? Whether you know the answer to this or it has yet to come to the surface, the presence of a Yoga Therapist can help you realize what matters most. After each session, a home practice of the breathwork, postures and/or meditations practiced together, is offered. The self care is up to you.
If you are ready to move through whatever physical, mental, emotional or spiritual questions you may be experiencing, give Yoga Therapy a try. I would love to be the one witnessing the growth into your best life.
“Healthy plants and trees yield abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, from a healthy person, smiles and happiness shine forth like the rays of the sun.” ~ B.K. S Iyengar
Overcome Overwhelm One Step at a Time
5 Tips For Organizing Your Inbox
Tip #1 Exercise control: Most important turn off email notification. How often do you check your inbox? Is it the first thing you do upon waking? If so, you are losing 27% of your days productivity. To be the most productive check emails 2 times per day at most unless your job requires otherwise.
Tip #2 Unsubscribe: Did you know that 80% of what we file never gets looked at again? Take a close look at all the newsletters you subscribe to. Are they of importance in your life right now? Set up a “to read” folder for all newsletters you enjoy and find helpful. Immediately move them from your inbox to the folder OR set up a RRS feed in Google Reader. Put a filter to go straight “to read”. Once a week or on your lunch breaks go through the folder. If you haven’t looked at the folder in months it’s time to delete it all.
Tip #3 Action Folder. Create an action folder. Store all emails that you need to take action on. Take 15 minutes a day and deal with each email one by one. Can you delegate any of the “actions” or can you delete them?
Tip #4 Important Folder. Pick the top 5-15 most important emails and move them to this folder. Deal with these right away. Because they are in this folder you will not get side tracked. Once you have dealt with those 5- 15 then move another bunch over and deal with those.
Tip #5 New Policy. Every new email that comes in will follow this new policy of being filed. Let people know you will only be checking emails 2 times per day and that you will get back to them in a timely manner unless your job/personal life requires different.
Thank you Rowena List! Rowena is an organizing expert specializing in home organization and productivity coaching. Grab your FREE copy of Rowena’s new Guide; Top Tips – Ten Things. This guide gives you a simple plan for organizing 10 different areas of your life in 15 minutes or less. Download your free copy now.