Life IS precious. It’s a clear conclusion when you suffer the loss of a loved one and your typically peaceful community is assaulted with random acts of violence. The lessons learned over this past year continue to sink in, as we find meaning in it all.
With the recent loss of my brother-in-law to COVID (in Peru), it was evident my husband was intent to return to his family there. Naturally, he wanted to grieve the passing of his brother with all those that knew and loved him. Facing the circumstances of a pandemic however, he was forced to accept some pretty harsh realities. With the duality of whether to stay or go, he chose to take the risk of travelling, even with the knowledge of COVID and other prevalent variants at the destination. The reward felt greater than the risk, so he took the steps to fly, but universal forces (including mechanical issues, cancelled flights and expiring COVID tests) finally put a stop to it. Even the rebooked flights would have him miss the Celebration of Life, and Peru would be in lockdown for Easter. So it was beyond his control. He humbly returned home before flying, safe and sound. Thank you remover of obstacles!
This is not the only occurrence where universal forces were obvious to me. Last Saturday afternoon my mom was enjoying the Lynn Valley Library as she frequently does, and 30 min upon leaving, there was an unforeseeable wave of tragedy. After some errands and hearing bits of the disturbance at Save On Foods, she decided to quickly make her way home, passing those who pulled out their phones to video the assailant screaming and writhing in the street. She returned home, safe and sound. Thank you great protector!
Although my immediate family is currently healthy and safe, my heart goes out to those who are experiencing grief or trauma. On Wednesday morning as I walked into the Village to meet a client at Canopy, the early morning sun and abundance of positive messaging enveloped me and I could feel the outpouring of love and strength in the community! With a few moments to say a prayer for the victims, their families and all those affected, I found more light than darkness in that moment.
Inner wisdom tells me there IS a gift in every moment. If the moment doesn’t present happiness, perhaps there is an opportunity to heal and return to wholeness. May we continue to come together in community to support one another, remembering how truly precious life is. Be safe dear friends.
Love & Light
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