The term Samsara has a similar meaning within a few of the world religions. With the common theme depicting a “repetitive cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth” it seemed fitting to label our most recent sale, Samsara. Knowing there is a natural continuous flow of creation, evolution and destruction in life, it makes our situation at Body Harmony a little easier to accept.
Most students are now aware that our present studio location will be closed as of December 1st. The date approaches bringing with it an emotional energy, especially for our teachers, staff and regular students. With an array of emotions varying from person to person, it is important that we respect and encourage one another, trusting a new manifestation of Body Harmony will come again soon. Evidently it won’t be a smooth transition from this space to the next, so we continue to offer great deals and drop in rates to make your yoga experience at Body Harmony exceptional. Please let us serve you and help us celebrate the life and energy of this space!
After Thanksgiving, our wonderful team of teachers will be involving the chakras from root to crown in all our yoga classes. Each week, expect a new special experience with postures stimulating and nurturing the “chakra of the week.” Find yourself moving through the classes and this transitional phase with more grace and ease. Thank you for your patience during this interesting transition. For the upcoming long weekend, please check the studio schedule for slight changes and if you would like another journey of the soul, perhaps take in the visually amazing and nonverbal movie Samsara.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend.
Lori Charko
Student Of The Month
Congratulations to Fran Alexander for being October’s Student of the Month! There are so many amazing things to say about Fran. She is a warm, compassionate woman who always brings joy to our hearts. With her quiet, loving ways she fills those around her with happiness.
When asked to say a few words about the studio, Fran commented, “From the moment I roll out my mat on the soft, welcoming, royal blue carpet at Body Harmony I begin to feel a sense of arrival, settledness and groundedness in my body. The next 75 minutes of guided practice never cease to gift me with a sense of well being and integration. I am deeply grateful for the offerings of the gifted yoga teachers as well as the beautiful space at Body Harmony. We on the North Shore are very fortunate!”
Ignite Your Home Yoga Practice with Lori Charko
This class is great for students who have some yoga experience, and feel comfortable with basic yoga postures. We will have fun creating a yoga flow incorporating your favourite postures and personal needs. Learn how to build a safe and balanced combination of postures, with notes to use for your own yoga practice at home, while vacationing or when working on the road. Practicing yoga is a lifelong venture that can be done anytime, and virtually anywhere! Please come prepared to practice your new flow.
Saturday, October 20th
12:30 – 2:30pm
Maximum 10 Students.
$20.00 + HST – Preregister Now
Snatum Kaur Live in Concert!
Experience the joyful and sensational spirit of Snatam Kaur. Her beautiful chants and breathtaking vocals will transport you to a place of peace and harmony. If you are searching for an evening of uplifting entertainment be sure to attend this one night event!
October 26, 7:30pm
The Centennial Theatre
2300 Lonsdale Ave, North Vancouver, BC
For more information on the Gala or Snatam Kaur visit
Community Gathering
Satya is a Sanskrit word that has been accepted in English to mean “the truth which equals love.” As we love all of the students that come to body harmony to practice, we would like to have a Community Gathering for those interested in knowing the accurate facts about what is going to happen to the building and our beloved studio space. This meeting will happen Friday morning after the 9.30 class. Please come enjoy a positive, uplifting practice and then settle in for some information and let us answer any questions you might have.
Friday, October 5th
11:00am – 12:00pm
As the earth changes in its time and its seasons, our bodies also change. As we move from summer into fall, the air becomes dryer, the day’s cooler, and our bodies more susceptible to colds and flus. A great way to change with the earth and stay healthy is through gentle nasal cleansing. In Ayurveda tradition the use of a neti pot is particularly helpful for this. This simple method of pouring warm salt water through the nasal passages helps to clear congestion, reduce swollen glands and alleviate sinus headaches by improving circulation in the head and boosting the immune system. This cleanse allows the breath, our vital energy force, to move more freely and effortlessly. The best time to cleanse is in the morning, and can be a relatively quick and easy task once you get the hang of it.