What does your heart say? Need some time in nature and with a mindful and caring community? Slow down, listen to your heart and book one of our nurturing retreat options below… Blessings and Namaste, Lori I humbly acknowledge that I live, learn, work and play on the unceded and traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples. Spring Yoga Retreat & Cleanse Welcome Spring and join us with this online Yoga Retreat & Cleanse. Cleanse the body with nourishing foods… Read More

The recent holidays with family in Peru held some sacred moments and much needed light therapy. We now close 2021 with contentment and optimism for a new year of learning, challenges and commitments. Since our world is changing, we must change with it. International travel has become complicated and expensive. So if you do travel, use efficient modes of transportation and then do your best to conserve water and energy. Do what you can to offset your carbon footprint… Read More