I wish for folks to know that I sincerely understand the challenge of motivation, especially with respect to exercise. Along with the decision to put the studio aside for a bit, I needed to know I would continue to take care of my health, for my sake. Not because I needed to teach a class or be an example for everyone else, but because I respected and loved myself enough to do it for my own immediate and long term well-being.
Well, recently I attended a yoga class at a small studio here in Arequipa. Without getting into detail, even though there was enjoyment in previous classes with this teacher, I nearly walked out of this class before it was finished. I could go on about the environment in the studio this particular day (the external obstacles), as well as the emotions I was experiencing (the internal obstacles), but they are just temporary obstacles. Even though there can be benefit from classes there, I won’t go back soon because my last experience wasn’t pleasant and I’m simply not motivated. Since there are very few choices of places to practice here, the situation really had me think about Body Harmony closing in North Vancouver. It had me empathize with students who don’t feel comfortable at other studios, for whatever reasons. As well, there was empathy for those with no desire for an independent home practice. If like me, you have the freedom to do yoga and exercise anytime or anywhere (and you enjoy doing it at home) that is one thing. It is a whole other story if you need or want the guidance to do it. Having said that, creative fitness regimes are necessary to stay motivated and it requires effort. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it; it helps to know that motivation is propelled when one is aware of the underlying desire.
My husband and I have new found motivation, anticipating the Inca Trail. Actually it’s not the classic Inca Trail we’ll be doing, but the Lares Trek which uses different original Inca road systems to get to Machu Picchu. I hiked the Lares Trek in 2009 and loved it, thus thought it was logical to explore the other more traditional trail this time, in 2014. Interestingly enough, I wasn’t feeling very motivated. Why? Even though “hiking the Inca Trail is the thing to do in Peru” the realization hit me that there was no desire to hike “the Grouse Grind of Peru” with tonnes of tourists I didn’t know. What I really wanted was to return to the unbeaten serene and scenic path of the Lares Trek (the BCMC of Grouse, metaphorically speaking) with my beloved husband and yoga friends that I miss so much. This brought a feeling of relief. Yes, because it is wonderful to travel with people you care about on a road less travelled, where one is greeted by local children and welcomed onto farms with incredible views. Now there is motivation and we have the tour below. It would be fantastic if you could join us.
Search your heart to find your deepest desires and whatever they are, go for them! Whatever you want, it can be yours. The key is to make time for stillness and ask the appropriate questions, so that you REALLY know what you want and what you need. Then, one breath at a time, stay focused.
Much love and motivation to you from Peru,
PERU 2014: A Spiritual Journey
The itinerary, details and pricing for a 12 Night Experience you will never forget, are now online! Join Lori for Yoga, Trekking in the Andes, Machu Picchu and so much more. Please know that there are several things that make this tour unique. Foremost, you will experience the culture, food and highlights of Peru with other beautiful body harmony souls. Another attraction is that unlike other itineraries that are organized for you, this private tailor made tour is careful not to rush through Lima and Cusco, and finishes with a stay surrounded by lush Chakra Gardens at the Willka Tika Retreat Centre.
You can check this destination off your bucket list, by first simply having the ‘intention’ of going. That’s right. It’s an important step that fuels the manifestation of your dream to explore Peru! With this intention, the universe automatically begins to conspire, doing everything in its power to make it happen. The more mental and physical energy you put behind the intention, the faster and easier it is for dream to manifest. Now, take a moment to review our journey from March 22nd to April 3rd 2014.
For Testimonials and a further sense of the deep seeded effect Peru 2009: A Spiritual Journey had on me and some of the others, please see the home and blog pages of the website.
Green Tip – 8 Natural Mosquito Repellents
The skin is the largest organ in the human body and has the ability to absorb large amounts of contaminants from repellents and other skin products. So, before grabbing the DEET, check out some of these natural alternatives:
1. Catnip – A highly affective form of protection!
2. Citronella – Use only pure essential oil of citronella.
3. Garlic – Eat a lot of fresh garlic, mosquitoes don’t like it.
4. Lavender – An essential oil best diluted in a carrier oil like sweet almond, or coconut oil.
5. Neem oil / seed oil – According to a study by the US National Research Council neem oil is more effective than DEET!
6. Organic soy oil – Studies found it just as effective as DEET-containing repellents, and it’s inexpensive and easy to find. Also, it’s an excellent body moisturizer.
7. Lotus – Effective and it helps kill mosquito larvae.
8. Black pepper – Use alcohol extract. Likely, black pepper essential oil would work too.
It would be wise to use one natural alternative at a time to make sure you don’t have sensitivities. An option however is to mix about 30 drops of the essential oils of catnip, citronella, lavender, neem, and black pepper (about 6 drops of each) into about 30 ml of an unscented and natural oil or moisturizer. Do a little 24 hour skin test prior to rubbing small amounts onto the skin and heading outdoors. Amazon, here you come!
For more details see Care2.com.