It’s been an amazing summer for weather on the West Coast and life has been about as good as it gets for feeding body, mind and spirit. Even though there is temptation to hold dear the clear blue days of summer, it’s only natural that clouds will waft in and out, and then fall will proceed the winter. The seasons of the year and the seasons of life are inevitable. To move through them gracefully, I remember that the sun… Read More

The earth is our mother and we must take care of her. We need her to survive! The theme for Earth Day this year is “Invest in Our Planet”, thus it is so befitting that we take some time in nature, slow down and connect with the world around us to hear her subtle wisdom. What is she sharing with us? What are the underlying patterns and laws of nature? What does she need from us for correct use of… Read More

Intergenerational trauma is real and what is happening in the Ukraine is damaging, on so many levels. But this is not the venue to clear up perceptions about what is real or not, nor to speculate what might be unfolding with this war. What I will say is that the last two years have been a lot… for most of us. Now knowing the strength of spirit that my Ukrainian heritage has to stand up for freedom and democracy, has… Read More