BC Retreat

Imagine a day where the only thing on your calendar is to mindfully care for your body, mind, and spirit. The most important thing to-do, is take care of you. Register now for the Loon Lake ECO Yoga Retreat Oct. 23-25th. Spots are filling up but there are still single rooms available. Why attend a BC Yoga Retreat? 1. Feel the power of meditating with others 2. Gain new perspective 3. You’ll have time to reflect 4. Connect or reconnect…     Read More


Wow. This is an interesting time of change and uncertainty. The world is watching and waiting for messages that will bring more clarity to a situation that has brought upheaval to many. With the privilege of having electronics we are doing our best to inform ourselves, however, often we spend too much time looking ‘out there’ distracting ourselves from what is most important. This is the time to be honoring mindfulness and our innermost selves, our true selves and then…     Read More