Inherently, we are all love, light and joy. When we forget this (because we will) life affirming yoga can help us remember. Yes, yoga has all the tools to remind us who we really are, and to keep us thriving towards this state of being! For ‘Love Week’, let’s rekindle that spirit with any of the following offers: Receive 25% OFF a 90 Minute Private Yoga Session: Instill more LOVE in your life with a regular yoga practice. What do you need… Read More

At the beginning of a yoga class, we often offer small intentions to bring forth the energy desired. At the beginning of a New Year, we can open ourselves to intentions on a much grander scale! Forgiveness is a big one and my intention for 2025. Time and again I will be reminded to forgive myself and others, and realize it takes patience and grace to be truly free of ego. It takes awareness, kindness and mindful movement of which… Read More