Heart Centered Classes

What is my purpose? What is my dog’s purpose? Haha… With the family puppy bringing renewed lessons about play, love, patience, communication and empathy, I am taking a light hearted, heart centered approach to such questions during our Yoga Flow classes. Are we here to be happy, joyful or even blissful? Are we here to love or to be loved? Are we to be sharing our light? Might the answers all be YES!? Join us this session as we move…     Read More


Spring Inspiration

“Flowers don’t worry about how they’re going to bloom. They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful.”  — Unknown   Thank you for your continued interest in Body Harmony Yoga and it’s inspirational offerings. If you have been quiet for awhile, I understand how it can feel safe and comforting to hibernate (for the winter, or longer)! I really do. Thus, I welcome you to be in touch and let me know how I can better…     Read More